Our Day of Styling services handle the final logistics and details of your wedding, ensuring everything runs smoothly and perfectly. We'll manage the last touches so you can enjoy a stress-free experience, leaving you and your guests to focus on the joyous anticipation of your special day. Every detail will be flawlessly executed, ensuring not even a petal is out of place.
Reception Venue Site Visit x 1
Initial Styling & Logistic Consultations 8-12 weeks before your wedding day.
Logistics coordination and Liaison with all your suppliers
Organize supplier meals, bump in/ and bump out and all supplier requirements
Liaison with Venue Coordinator
Creation of detailed Floor Plan for all suppliers
Creation of Personal & Vendor Runsheet
Room Reveal
Stylist on site on the day
It all begins with a vision. Maybe you want an elegant, timeless wedding. Maybe you envision a vibrant celebration filled with personal touches. Or perhaps you desire an intimate, romantic ceremony that captures your unique love story. Whatever your dream wedding looks like, having an on-the-day wedding planner can make all the difference. Our expert team ensures every detail is flawlessly executed, allowing you to fully enjoy your special day without worry. Let us bring your vision to life, creating a seamless and unforgettable celebration that tells your love story beautifully
We will help create a detailed plan that outlines every aspect of the wedding, from the ceremony setup to the reception decor. This includes timelines, vendor checklists, and contingency plans.
We will coordinate and check in with your vendors to ensure every element is executed flawlessly. You will also receive final run sheets and floorplans to ensure a smooth execution
Want to speak to us about your vision and ideas? Maybe you have some questions you need clarified?
Book in your FREE over the phone consultation tooday.